Sunday Thoughts

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. I’m trudging through as I’m writing this post at 5:15am! Working all weekend is not something I recommend, but I believe this should be the last weekend for a while…and they are finally putting my position up here for permanent (I’m currently a contractor) which would also mean I will not have to work weekends anymore! Can I just say, HALLELUJAH! I figure I oughta give out at least one of those since I am missing church this morning…that’s another of the main reasons I don’t like working weekends…I don’t like missing church. {It’s funny, as a kid, I would have never thought I’d grow up and end up saying that!}

Anyway, I wish you all a blessed Sunday with your loved ones…

A friend of mine lost two childhood friends this week, within a day of each other. Both in their 30s and I know at least one of them had two young children.

You never know when God will call you back home…so until then, do the best you can to live a meaningful life…full of love and light. Draw closer to God, pray often and let all that you do be done in love.

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