Tanner’s Lego Birthday Party

For Tanner’s Lego Birthday, I knew I wanted to go all out with the Lego-themed decor. I browsed Pinterest for ideas and was really happy in the end with the turnout.

Goody Bags for the Kids

Coloring Pages for the Kids

Rainbow Kabobs

Lego Candy

One Excited Birthday Boy

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It was a great turnout, a beautiful day and everyone had a great time. We couldn’t have asked for more for our little man.

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Monday Musings

This weekend was AWESOME.

We celebrated our sweet Tanner’s 7th birthday  on Saturday {actual birthday was November 6th} with some family and friends at our house. As previously mentioned, we did a Lego theme since Tanner is Lego-obsessed. I had a lot of fun putting the decorations together…I’ll be posting about his party tomorrow.

I seriously cannot believe my main man is SEVEN. Am I really getting that old? He is getting so big right before my very eyes…it’s bittersweet.

I love that Tanner’s birthday is at the beginning of November. For me, it sort of feels like our kickoff to the holiday season. We get to see a few family members and friends…in just over a week from now we’ll be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary and Thanksgiving…it’s just a time of togetherness for our family and Tanner himself has always symbolized togetherness for our family…at least to me…he is the reason we are a family. God has blessed us so much with this little boy…Tanner serves a larger purpose in His plan than any of us may ever know.
On Sunday, I went to work – I know, do I EVER have a weekend off? This one was my doing though…after taking off last Tuesday for Tanner’s birthday, I decided to make up some time and offered to work. I’m actually very fortunate that my job provides that opportunity. I do know that I’m not scheduled to work any weekends until December, so that will be nice. I can finally use the weekends to get some much-needed tasks marked off my to-do list. Speaking of my to-do list, I decided to put one together for what I would like to accomplish by the end of the year, this way I can stay focused on some small goals rather than stressing myself out with the big picture of everything I’d like to get done. Here’s what I’ve got planned:

TO DO BY 12/31/12

1. Paint Kitchen, Living & Upstairs Hallway {Gray} – All of these walls run together, you do one, you do them all…but I may break it up over a couple of days or weekends.
2. Christmas Decorating – Find accents to switch out in place of current accents

3. Finish Painting Wall Shelf from Goodwill & Hang

4. Make a Gallery Wall with the White Frames I’ve Bought
5. Book Nook for Boys

6. Organize Office/Play Room

7. Paint Boys’ Rooms
I do hope to get a little more done, but I will consider myself a success if I can manage to do all of this.
Items 1 & 2 are first on my list {I generally decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving}. I have been perusing some color choices for the walls and I really like Colonial Revival Gray by Sherwin Williams:
 Here are some rooms I found that are painted with this color:

 Can’t wait to finally have some free weekends to make some progress around here!

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