Monday Musings

It was such a wonderfully warm weather weekend in Charleston! I hate to say goodbye to it and be stuck in a windowless factory all day. My boys and I made the most of our two days together {unfortunately Hubby had his USCG Reserve weekend}.

On Saturday, Mommy made sure to get a little gym time in the AM while they played in the gym-care and after that, we went to the library {short-lived due to one loud little two-year old, but enough time to scoop up some good reads} and then we headed to the play park and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Other than that, it was pretty quiet around the house…the hums of the dishwasher and laundry machines were heard throughout the weekend {I had quite a few loads to catch up on…}  
In other news, I’ve been scouring ideas for cute prints to put in the office/playroom. I decided I wanted it to be a mix of the kids’ and my art as well as some fun prints that have great sayings for kids – ones of encouragement and love. Here are some I’ve found so far:
Have a great week! xoxo
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Have A Seat

As far back as I can remember…I’ve wanted a window seat in my bedroom. Call me sentimental, but something about sitting in a comfy window seat, back leaned up against the wall, staring out the window and writing or reading just sounds so serene. When I was in high school, my parents were considering having a house built rather than buying used and my mom was going to make sure I got my window seat. They had picked out a great build plan. Well, that all went to hell when they ended up finding a house on the market that they thought was “perfect”. Oh and I got screwed out of a walk-in closet too…but it pains me too much to talk about that.


Unfortunately, there isn’t any practical spot in our house at the moment to build-in a window seat. However, I plan on fashioning something window seat-like (with the help of handy hubby) and using it in the office/play room/workout area to do double-duty storing toys and providing seating that doesn’t take up too much space in the room. I have a plan all drawn up with measurements and the whole bit and I can’t wait to debut it on this blog.

Here are some inspiring playroom seating ideas that helped me realize my seating/storage plan:

Pinned to My Pin Board via

I chose the longest wall in my playroom/office – opposite the wall where my new desk went in. I am going to have the seating built with cubbies from wall to wall. i originally thought about putting it under the windows in the room so it would actually be a window seat, but with the placement of the desk, it was just too close to the side of the desk and would make it hard to pull in and out the bin that goes in the cubby in that corner.

Stay tuned for my playroom seating/storage plans and progress!